The Rebirth of The Three Cone Rock Bit

Starting with a blank sheet, Salvation Drilling Tools, LLC has created an all-new three cone rotary rock bit that outperforms all other earth drilling tools. Our multi-patented design provides drillers with; up to double the rate of penetration and life, increased bore circularity, and an end to downhole cone loss. Years of design, lab, and field-testing work is complete, and our proven rock bits are now in production.

Transforming the three cone rock bit

Salvation Drilling Tool’s new three cone rock bits are so revolutionary the only shared feature of our all-new design and other three cone bits is they both have three rotating cones.
In the process of development an abundance of new features were discovered and incorporated into Salvation’s design, the benefits of these new features serve to increase; the rate of penetration, reliability, longevity, steerability, and well bore circularity. These new strengths eliminate all of the weaknesses of the original design and…much more.

So advanced, Salvation’s Drilling Tools are protected by three granted patents with a total of 51 allowed claims and one pending patent.

Where it started

Since 1933 the three-cone rock bit has had several upgrades, but it’s basic design, structure and assembly have remained unchanged. While the longevity of the original design is a testimony to its brilliance, the weaknesses inherent to this 90-year-old design still exist today in the majority of three cone bits.